Bell Gossett能源储罐,减压阀,增压器,换热器,泵配件,驱动器
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司全球工业链,专为您破解国际工业零部件采购难题,欢迎咨询格雷创美国Bell Gossett: Bell Gossett能源储罐、Bell Gossett减压阀、Bell Gossett增压器、Bell Gossett换热器、Bell Gossett泵配件、Bell Gossett驱动器、Bell Gossett控制器、Bell Gossett水系统等。
有关Bell Gossett能源储罐,减压阀,增压器,换热器,泵配件,驱动器产品、品牌及Xylem Inc.公司的信息:
Xylem. Derived from classical Greek, our name refers to the supporting tissues that help transport water and nutrients from a plant’s roots to its leaves.
To the people of Xylem, our name stands for our promise to live our values while solving our customers’ most challenging water problems, and to set industry standards for fluid technology applications and water solutions.
We listen, learn and adapt to local environments, working in true partnership with our customers.
With deep applications expertise from leading innovation in the water industry, we are focused on producing highly efficient water technologies that use less energy, reduce life-cycle costs and provide environmental benefits to users and the communities in which they operate.
Together, we meet the world’s most critical water challenges head-on by engineering the broadest portfolio of products, applications and services to create efficient systems and sustainable solutions.
Xylem’s trusted, industry-leading, residential and commercial, brands offer a complete range of pumps, boosters, drives, valves, controllers, water systems, and other solutions for numerous applications in the following industries:
Agricultural & Landscaping
Building Systems
Industrial Water
Public Utility Water Systems
Every day, our company meets the expanding needs of growing populations, communities, and industries that are driving demand for water infrastructure improvements, often in the harshest environments. Xylem’s well-known residential and commercial global brands have served the water market for many decades with products sold in more than 150 countries through a market-leading force and expansive network of independent channel partners.
Innovations in the 150-year history of our brands include the first all-metal pump, primary-secondary pumping, and the first electronically commutated spherical motor pump. Some of Xylem’s well-known brands serving Applied Water Systems markets include A-C Fire, Bell & Gossett, Flojet, Flowtronex, Goulds Water Technology, Jabsco, Lowara, and Rule.
行业应用: 农业和园艺,建筑系统 ,工业用水, 公用事业,水系统
我们除了供应美国Bell Gossett能源储罐,减压阀,增压器,换热器,泵配件,驱动器产品外,优势供应以下产品:
ABB品牌,ABB 微型断路器, S200 Series,型号S203-Z25Wohner/维纳尔熔断器31185Donaldson/唐纳森A/O SEPTRP525702Donaldson/唐纳森HYD FILTER ASSYK040675Donaldson/唐纳森AIR PRMYRSP606720Barksdale/巴士德温度开关ML1S-105-I-OIFM/易福门电感式传感器IG7001;IGA3005-BPKGIFM/易福门压力传感器PN3029;PN-0-1BRBR14-MFPKG/US/VCCS压力开关646TUE2FAULHABER/福尔哈贝电机1524.G0657Behr温控阀X1.224.45.0001DAllen Bradley/A-B模块1734-ARMFleetguard/弗列加过滤器AF26103 PULS/普尔世电源CS10.241Donaldson/唐纳森AIR PRMY PCP608533OPTO22/奥普图模块SNAP-AITM-2PULS/普尔世电源QS10.241Taunuslicht元器件911M 13 2415 EG Woodward/伍德沃德调速器9907-864M-5503-303GBalluff/巴鲁夫行程开关BNS 819-100-R-10Cutler-Hammer马达1012136009;C206392COAX阀MK10 NC9810C1 1/2dc 24l 16b 543533 288024-01PCB低噪音线缆003C10ACCUSPRAY手动喷枪12SZ-PR02AMARELL温度计M247300(DIN 12785)Phys Chem Scientific Corp 测试设备Dwyer 泵 附件Fdr Design Gas 显示器ing SystemPower TechP&b接触器/启动器Oriental 马达 驱动电缆/附件Hamilton Company 控制阀Stearns/斯特恩电磁离合器5-12-5529-00Rietschle/里其乐滤芯730503Metrix振动探头7370-793 Woodward/伍德沃德调速器8250-596 ELAP编码器E400-200-8/24-A-10-O C2Siemens/西门子旋转隔离开关LBR3040Yaskawa/安川通讯线MLCC-2-005Donaldson/唐纳森HYD CARTP161222Donaldson/唐纳森AIR SFTY RSP533781Donaldson/唐纳森FF/WS FLTRP550248Pister kugelhahn/匹思特高高压球阀RKHG3/4 204425Panasonic/松下底座RT3SP2-24VPINTSCH BAMAG制动摩擦片SFB 10-H/KFB 16SICK/施克编码器SFM60-HRKB2K02RAB照明, BTS400G, 临时湾400W高压钠灯QT LAMP + WIRE GUARDMURRPLASTIK, 87171432, (PRICE / 10的PK)KDT / Z 26 26-27MM扣眼EMPHATEC, 330119, SIGNEXT,CBM1 / 24V / 0.5A,1-CH。 断路器模块,CB,手动复位- W / LED(红开=断路器断开/脱扣)BALDOR, BSM90C3150AA, BSM90C-3150AA TFTSTAT,RESOLVERAIRTEC, FE-125, 活塞杆螺母阿纳海姆自动化, 17L002S-LW8, 马达EAGLE SIGNAL, CT511A601, RESET COUNTER LED显示屏120VACTASSERON, THGE040, QWIK BOX PT1000,4“探头,IP40维德ROOT, 727235019, 小型机械,棘轮CLARK EQUIPMENT T30U031-46 T30U03146SMC KDM10-04 MULTICONNECTOR派克 3 / 100-25-SA滤芯Tektroinx CMC251 1.3GHz的频率计数器CLIPPARD SDR-八月四日气动缸1/2“口径ELLIS&沃茨56F2-101P阻尼器定位器费斯托 LR-1-D-MAXI压力调节器NYCOIL 20-01200PANASONIC WES8167H4218 WES8167H4218ITE 西门子 FBCB125 FBCB125东方马达 5GU5KA 5GU5KAPRINTRONIX 105059-901 105059901艾伦布拉德利的1326-CFU-15通信电缆HONEYWELL M934A-1490 M934A1490费斯托 SUB-BASE AW-ME-1月8日易福门 PB4310 PB4310BARKSDALE L1X-B203S L1XB203S彼得·保罗·36HH5XCV电磁阀24DCGIDDINGS & LEWIS MACHINE TOOLS QTERM-J10 QTERMJ108884201186 电机NTN 轴承 R20ZZ/2A R20ZZ2ALUMBERG 限位插接线 RKWT4-225/10M
欢迎立即联系格雷创咨询Bell Gossett能源储罐,减压阀,增压器,换热器,泵配件,驱动器等产品。
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