Bell Gossett控制器
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司海外仓库全球24小时全天候运转,格雷创为您航空拼单,亦可特快直发美国Bell Gossett: Bell Gossett能源储罐、Bell Gossett减压阀、Bell Gossett增压器、Bell Gossett换热器、Bell Gossett泵配件、Bell Gossett驱动器、Bell Gossett控制器、Bell Gossett水系统等。
有关Bell Gossett控制器产品、品牌及Xylem Inc.公司的信息:
Xylem. Derived from classical Greek, our name refers to the supporting tissues that help transport water and nutrients from a plant’s roots to its leaves.
To the people of Xylem, our name stands for our promise to live our values while solving our customers’ most challenging water problems, and to set industry standards for fluid technology applications and water solutions.
We listen, learn and adapt to local environments, working in true partnership with our customers.
With deep applications expertise from leading innovation in the water industry, we are focused on producing highly efficient water technologies that use less energy, reduce life-cycle costs and provide environmental benefits to users and the communities in which they operate.
Together, we meet the world’s most critical water challenges head-on by engineering the broadest portfolio of products, applications and services to create efficient systems and sustainable solutions.
Xylem’s trusted, industry-leading, residential and commercial, brands offer a complete range of pumps, boosters, drives, valves, controllers, water systems, and other solutions for numerous applications in the following industries:
Agricultural & Landscaping
Building Systems
Industrial Water
Public Utility Water Systems
Every day, our company meets the expanding needs of growing populations, communities, and industries that are driving demand for water infrastructure improvements, often in the harshest environments. Xylem’s well-known residential and commercial global brands have served the water market for many decades with products sold in more than 150 countries through a market-leading force and expansive network of independent channel partners.
Innovations in the 150-year history of our brands include the first all-metal pump, primary-secondary pumping, and the first electronically commutated spherical motor pump. Some of Xylem’s well-known brands serving Applied Water Systems markets include A-C Fire, Bell & Gossett, Flojet, Flowtronex, Goulds Water Technology, Jabsco, Lowara, and Rule.
行业应用: 农业和园艺,建筑系统 ,工业用水, 公用事业,水系统
我们除了供应美国Bell Gossett控制器产品外,优势供应以下产品:
889N-U12AF-15Allen-Bradley 889N-F5AF-6F卡套直通 ¢28 45BOSCH BOSCH油门电机 A31473.0100/0206002111CLARK 变速箱滤芯 4209440DONALDSON 柴油滤芯 P551712Barksdale/巴士德压力开关D2X-H3SS-ULDonaldson/唐纳森AIR FLTRP500035Yaskawa/安川限位开关PSKL-020BJVAKIFM/易福门电感式传感器IF9222;IFB2002-ARKG/PRTCCS压力开关PL-SQR-56-ISMLeeson/利森电机114632.00Pepperl+Fuchs/倍加福传感器V3-GM-5M-PURPowerex模块PST21964-4AOPTO22/奥普图固态继电器G4OAC5ALeeson/利森电机M1125041.00OBERDORFER泵N992S5 Elobau/爱乐宝开关151UNS02A2PENTRONIC/ 喷特尼克传感器0051D004106Black Box Corp Telecom 适配器T-max 传送带&链条 TensionersTorrington密封件SakagamiSuperior 马达s面板附件Biolytic喷嘴382-103153MOOG/穆格电磁阀631-102CHIRSHMAN模块943 014-001Pulsotronic/波尔索金属探测器9701-0259Apollo/阿波罗执行器AD0065N002ALEUZE/劳易测传感器DB18 UP.1-25,2500Donaldson/唐纳森HYD CARTP556064Yaskawa/安川磁性接近开关PSMO-25E1THLEUZE/劳易测传感器SLSER 8/66-S12Macome/码控磁性开关SW-1014-24C2Schneider/施耐德开关XCS-A701CAPLUGS, 99190281, VFC系列VINYL瓶盖法兰VCF-312-24CONTA CLIP, 8954.2 / CC, 继电器模块DYNAPAR, 0651212024, 接近开关DOLAN JENNER, 71000040014, SS9-QDT4 SS9B 4FT XMTR电缆ELWOOD AUTOTRON, 79-3102-30, 30'电缆ELD31-W扇形波束扫描头AIRTEC, 40-450-060-60, 塑料管PE聚乙烯包装在50米卷轴,蓝色 - Ø6/4自动化元件INC, ATTM100RSO, 100 1000 OHM相合温度TRANSMITTERSROOM W /设定值和改写B&B ELECTRONICS, ZZ9D-NB-LR, ZLINX IO,900MHZ,4DI 4DO,射程远,SOURCING阿特伍德, SS25-80-1, SS GS 10MM E26.3C16。AMETEK, L80-X001D, 压力表4.5INCH 1000PSI MAXDYNAPAR, R4500601112, 编码器系列R45 ROTOPULSER增量60PPRSCHAEFERS电气ENCL ES-P2424 精英系列子面板VEKTEK 71-1122-10 71112210BROWNING VPLE-112 VPLE112CUTLER HAMMER BR115AF BR115AFHALDEX BARNES HYDRAULICS 1800291 1800291NTN BEARING 63202 63202KLOCKER 穆勒 DILR44D 110V威格士 894277 894277WESCO 08910 3/4“ADJU。JUSTRITE DRUM龙头WIREMOLD G3043BE双插座OMRON E2E-X8MD1-M1G接近开关快装卡箍QF16PROCO 242A/NN 242ANNGE 富士 6KES32DBR003 6KES32DBR003THOMAS & BETTS DLP20-4 DLP204TELCO SP-00-DC24-230 SP00DC24230NATIONAL SEAL 416125 416125MILLERSBURG REAMER & TOOL CO HISP11/16 HISP1116GRACO 185379 185379POMONA 73084-0测试适配器CASH ACME 22263-0045 222630045ACOPIAN A5MT900-GB8 A5MT900GB8ARROW HART 38640-301 38640301;钩尾框托板螺栓;;20×80 10.9级 杆部打孔DELCON 继电器 SL0 24TRPARKER 导板油马达 780-0470-000-031
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