RTC Electronics
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司全球工业链,专为您破解国际工业零部件采购难题,欢迎咨询格雷创英国RTC Electronics: RTC Electronics设计控制系统、RTC Electronics建模与仿真测试、RTC Electronics数据采集系统、RTC Electronics网络安全系统等。
有关RTC Electronics产品、品牌及RTC Electronics Corp.公司的信息:
RTC is pleased to announce that it has won a prestigious grant award under the European Commissions 80 billion Euro Research & Development Program, the "Innovative Union" Horizon 2020 scheme, that is aimed at securing Europes industrial competitiveness globally.
Why is this relevant to producers of aerospace systems, for whom testing solutions impact on and shape a large part of development and operating costs? Well, as an experienced, forward thinking supplier of turn-key test solutions in the aerospace sector, RTC Electronics set out to answer the 2 most difficult questions for end users, who face endless demands for lower risk, more cost effective solutions to their testing needs.
Specifically the 2 key questions are:
1. How to reduce risks and costs in design, implementation, and full life use of testing solutions
2. How to improve predictability, accuracy and deliverability of project programs whilst also shortening time to market.
In answer to these questions, RTC has developed ground breaking technology within an innovative system architecture and applied it to testing solution design and implementation.
RTC are collaborating with end user partners to roll out real life testing solutions, bringing them benefits from this innovation for many years to come.
For further details contact us: info@rtcelectronics.co.uk
A350 XWB Thrust Reverser Actuation System ( TRAS ) Iron Bird test rig delivered to Airbus in Toulouse
The A350 team achieved a major milestone on 1st June withthe shipping of the A350 Electric TRAS Iron Bird test rig to Airbusin Toulouse.
This comprises a full system test rig that is representative of the engine installation for the A350 Electric TRAS that will be used by Airbus at its laboratory test facility in Toulouse, commonly known as the "Iron Bird". In simple terms the rig is huge as the engine the TRASwill be fitted to on the A350 is huge. So, three large lorries,one massive crane & a closed car park later and the rig wasshipped..
行业应用: 航空航天,工业,机械,企业,政府,工程
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