Rain Bird阀门等
深圳市格雷创科技有限公司全球供应链,调拨全球海量库存,强大IT系统,全程准确可控便捷,标准规范作业流程,精准交货,欢迎咨询美国Rain Bird: Rain Bird喷头、Rain Bird水压器、Rain Bird电磁阀、Rain Bird卫星控制器、Rain Bird解码器、Rain Bird阀门等等。
有关Rain Bird阀门等产品、品牌及Rain Bird Corporation公司的信息:
Rain Bird Corporation is a privately held company founded in 1933 during the agricultural boom in California. We are the leading global manufacturer and provider of irrigation products and services. Since the beginning, Rain Bird has produced and offered the industry’s broadest range of irrigation products for farms, golf courses, sports arenas, commercial developments and homes in more than 130 countries around the world.
Over the past eight decades, Rain Bird has been awarded more than 450 patents worldwide, including the first in 1935 for the original horizontal action impact drive sprinkler (U.S. Patent #1,997,901), which revolutionized the food production industry and ushered in a new era in irrigation, worldwide. The original impact sprinkler was designated a historic landmark in 1990 by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Today, Rain Bird offers over 4,000 water-saving irrigation products and services and has offices around the world..
Rain Bird is committed to The Intelligent Use of Water™. Our commitment extends beyond products to education, training and services for the industry and the community. In 2015, Rain Bird developed the 25 Ways to Save 25% website to provide a resource to consumers on water irrigation options, http://25ways.rainbird.com.
It is our legacy to design and manufacture only those products of the highest value and quality. We are appreciative to have received numerous recognition awards from many of our valued partners.
In 2016, we received the 2016 Readers Choice Award from Facility Executive magazine in the category of “Water Management." In 2015, the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) recognized Rain Bird Corporation with the Circle of Excellence award based upon our outstanding Employee Engagement
Rain Bird employees work to achieve long-term, responsible partnerships with our customers, vendors, and the cities in which we live. We are proud to work at Rain Bird and believe in the honest and ethical treatment of everyone in our diverse communities.
To learn more about Rain Bird visit us on Facebook ,Twitter, and LinkedIn.
行业应用: 住宅,商业,灌溉,农业,工业,市政,公路
我们除了供应美国Rain Bird阀门等产品外,优势供应以下产品:
OTTAWA 转向,起升油泵 90029654Donaldson/唐纳森AIR FLTRP120320Baumer/堡盟光电传感器OHDK-14N5101-S35AYaskawa/安川限位开关PSKU-110BHKBarksdale/巴士德温度开关T2H-H605S-12IFM/易福门磁性传感器,气缸传感器MK5121;MKT3028BBPKG/G/0.5M/ZH/ASRBaldor/葆德电机GCP24362Baldor/葆德电机VS1MX42-4TYaskawa/安川模块JAMSC-B2611VSiemens/西门子继电器3RT1016-2BB41Phoenix/菲尼克斯雷电保护器TT-2-PE-24VDCBAUER Group/宝尔齿轮马达SZ1-10/DO 44-141 LS; K171520-11OPTO22/奥普图模块SNAP-IDC5-FAST-APULS/普尔世电源QT20.241Yaskawa/安川磁性接近开关PSMO-25E1THKB ELECTRONICS/KB直流控制器KBMM-125SOLA/索拉电源SLS-05-030-1TSOLA/索拉电源S2K1000-5TAPESWITCH感应条TS-57Potter&Brumfield继电器 SSRT-120D25WAGO/万可端子2001-1402 OS Walker Co插头/插座Devar 零部件 检测器/发送器Ingersoll Rand 接触器组件Parker Automation 数据控制系统Panduit Telecom 光钎电缆Papst BlowerRed 密封件Asco 气动执行器Tb Woods 驱动器 衬套Mighty模块 蜂鸣器/喇叭/报警器Signal Division Lighting FixtureSafetronics驱动器Westinghouse 控制按钮/指示灯Ackerman Johnson 机器零部件Asea Brown Boveri Oit 电路板/模块Weed传感器/开关EPIC16针公芯10194000Impulse堵头紧固套DLSC-MOPTO22/奥普图模块G4ODC24TRW/天合刹车片GDB1685Donaldson/唐纳森DURAMAXP163567Donaldson/唐纳森DURAMAXP163567Donaldson/唐纳森FUEL FLTRP550391GC VALVES阀S202YF16NSEG5Swagelok/世伟洛克管线SS-T2-S-028-6MEDIGITEC, D3130, 3100系列3-1 / 2位热电偶TEMP。BARBER COLMAN, P0113330007260, 热电偶BARDAC, ODP-22020美, 本变频器PLUS - 220 / 240V,单相IN,230V,三相输出滤波器,制动晶体管2 HP 7 AMPS丹纳赫CONTROLS, CPLM01500500, 耦合E-MOTION AMERICA, 表面肌电图,44A1K, CYCLONE AC伺服电机ACCES IO产品, DPK-AI16-64A, DAQ-PACK,USB接口,16位64路500KHZ A / D,16 DIO,SIG条件,自动校准QA1, 1844-111, 管适配器合金3/4“OD FR 7 / 16-20 0.058墙TK三叶草CONTROLS, BA6-A-1, 按钮阀MERCOID, DA-35-2-5, 温度开关波登管100 / 200FTRD 2“X6”气压缸MRC BEARING 5204CFFG 5204CFFG1 PARTSMASTER 41552113 3 / 8TX1 / 4MPT压缩MALE CONN。NORDIC CONTROLS D83252-006 D83252006MARPOSS 3415159602 3415159602卡特拉汉莫 D500-CPM40 D500CPM40莫迪康 140-CFB-032-00 140CFB03200罗斯蒙特8705TSA020S1W1N5流量管CLAROSTAT VPR5F WIREWOUD功率电阻THOMSON INDUSTRIES MAM25OPNWW MAM25OPNWWTHOMSON INDUSTRIES MAM20OPN MAM20OPN力士乐 521 713 000 2阀PERKIN ELMER 303-6210 3036210MARSH仪器计量表3.5“0 / 160PSI J8852RELIANCE ELECTRIC T56S1020AGIDDINGS & LEWIS MACHINE TOOLS 502-03551-02 5020355102SIEMENS A1-103-100-514 PC板接口西屋电气 HFB3030L HFB3030L
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